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If only talking to kids about Autism and disability came with an instruction manual…. Oh wait! Now it does! 

Talking to kids about Autism is tricky for many because: 


  • Most people grew up thinking it was rude or disrespectful to talk about disability.
  • Most of us were taught about Autism as if it is a bad thing or something to be ashamed of.
  • Autism is complex and many people feel they don’t completely understand it themselves and therefore, not in a position to teach kids about it. 
  • We are afraid to say the wrong thing, and end up not saying anything, which often teaches others Autism or disabilities are “bad” or something we don’t talk about - which continues the cycle.


But we can and most importantly SHOULD break this cycle! Talking openly about Autism and disabilities - and more importantly talking about them in a positive and Neurodiversity affirming way- will not only help Autistic people to feel understood and accepted, it will also help Allistic (or non-Autistic) people better understand and accept others for who they are. 


This guide allows children ages 7 and up learn about Autism in a general way that focuses on learning about what Autism is, and accepting and including Autistic people for who they are. The target audience is general education classrooms, neurotypical children, neruodiverse (Neurotypical + neurodivergent) groups, and siblings/family members of Autistic children. It is NOT designed specifically for Autistic children (Soon to come: The Autism Handbook for Kids, How to Tell Kids They are Autistic, which are specifically for Autistic children). 


This Guide is a 31 page pdf. It covers 5 main topics:


  1. Everyone is different:

           A. Adult Introduction & critical thinking answers

           B. Everyone is Different kids' passage + critical thinking questions

           C. What makes Me… Me! All about me worksheet

2.  Invisible Disabilities:

           A. Adult Introduction & critical thinking answers

           B. Physical Disabilities kids' passage + critical thinking questions

           C. Invisible Disabilities younger kids' passage + critical thinking questions  

           D.  Invisible Disabilities older kids' passage + critical thinking questions

3.  What Autism is and is Not:

           A. Adult Introduction & critical thinking answers

           B. What is Autism? Younger kids' passage + critical thinking questions

           C. What is Autism? Older kids' passage + critical thinking questions

           D. Autism graphic of characteristics

           E. How Autism can look (what we see & what we can do) graphic

           F. What is Stimming? Kids' passage + critical thinking questions

          G. Understanding Sensory Differences kids' passage + critical thinking                


          H. How is Autism Different? Kids' passage + graphic

4.  Kindness and Inclusion:

          A. Adult introduction & critical thinking answers

          B. Kindness & Inclusion kids' passage and critical thinking questions 

          C. Putting it all Together- applying what we've learned critical thinking


5.  Ask and Answer Questions:

          A. Adult guide with review questions and tips for how to answer difficult  



Terms of Use: This license allows professionals to share with clients and their families as well as teachers if in the school setting. Parents can purchase this product to share with teachers and therapists. You can print to share with your caseload an unlimited number of times, and can screen shot pages to send electronically (although you may not send the full product electronically). 


*When you purchase, you will have a link to download that will be open for 30 days. Please download immediately after purchase and save to your computer so you don't forget* 

Guide for Talking to Kids About Autism

  • If you have a group of two or more people interested in purchasing, please email me at for group license discounts. 

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