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Aug 27, 20234 min read
Creating a Calming Oasis: How to Design Sensory-Friendly Spaces for Autistic Kids
Introduction In a world full of diversity, every individual brings something important to the table. This includes Autistic children, who...

Nov 6, 20229 min read
Top 5 Toys For Speech Development
One of the most common questions I get from parents is, “What can I buy to help my child learn to talk?” Many of these parents are...

Oct 2, 20226 min read
Help Your Child Talk: Bath Routine
I am so excited to continue my language based routine series with this bath-time post! I know most kids LOVE bath time (which is great as...

Sep 17, 20227 min read
Help Your Toddler Talk: Morning Routine
Alright parents, what is the first tip your speech therapist gave you for how to help your child talk? You got it, MODEL language and...

Sep 11, 20225 min read
Routines: Why Your Child Needs Them and Where to Start
Routines are very important for all children, but particularly important for children with delays and/or disabilities. Why? With a...

Sep 5, 20225 min read
Could My Child be Autistic?
Hearing that your child has characteristics of Autism (or "red flags" - which is an outdated and non-preferred term) can be pretty scary...

Aug 27, 20227 min read
Autism: Not Always What You Think
Autism. A word almost everyone has heard of, and a disability most know (at least a little) about. But what does the world really know...

Nov 14, 20215 min read
Turkey Trouble Language Activities
Turkey Trouble by Wendi Silvano is a super cute Thanksgiving book that is a favorite in my house. I love this book because it is awesome...

Oct 17, 20214 min read
Peek-a Who Language Activities
I am thrilled to give activities one of my favorite books- Peek-a Who! This book has many language skills packed into just a few pages...
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